What should be the minimum driver age to rent a car from Brooklyn-Rentals ?
One should be minimum 24 years old to rent a car from Brooklyn Rentals.
In which side of the road to drive a car in Brooklyn ?
We drive at the left side of the road in Brooklyn.
Is there any charges for Pick Up and Drop Off to rent a car from Brooklyn-Rentals ?
For rental locations within the Brooklyn city, there is no pick up and drop off charges. However for some Airport locations and for other locations which are out of Brooklyn city, we charge the pick up and drop off charges to provide the rental car service.
What is your terms and conditions for rent ?
You can view our terms and conditions from the page of our website.
Can I pick up or return the car in Weekend ?
Our Office is closed on Saturday in all locations in Brooklyn. So you Can not pick up the car on weekend (Saturday), but you can return the car any of the day simply putting the key on drop box.
If weekend is OFF, then how can I return the Car to Brooklyn-Rentals ?
In Brooklyn-Rentals, Saturday is off. You can not pick up a car from Brooklyn Car Rentals. However you can return the car by parking it outside and just put the key in the drop off box. For more about pick up and return of the car in weekend, you can contact us.
What is the official time to rent a car from Brooklyn-Rentals ?
It is from Sunday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Saturday is closed. You can pick up and return the car from Brooklyn-Rentals in this time.
I am not getting my location for pick up and drop off on the booking form. What should I do ?
You can choose "Other Locations in Brooklyn City" from the pick up and drop off locations list. You should give your location address details in Personal information form during the booking of a rental car from Brooklyn-Rentals.
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